from __future__ import annotations ## Original creator: byANG3L ## ## Made by: Freaku ## ## From: BSWorld Modpack ( ## # Used in-game boxes and textures instead of external # So it will run on server and randoms can play init ._. # (& some improvements) # incase someone is wondering how is map floating. Check out # def spawnAllMap(self) # ba_meta require api 8 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, overload import _babase import babase import random import bascenev1 as bs from bascenev1lib.gameutils import SharedObjects if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Any, Sequence, Optional, List, Dict, Type, Union, Any, Literal class OnTimer(bs.Actor): """Timer which counts but doesn't show on-screen""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._starttime_ms: int | None = None self.node = bs.newnode('text', attrs={'v_attach': 'top', 'h_attach': 'center', 'h_align': 'center', 'color': ( 1, 1, 0.5, 1), 'flatness': 0.5, 'shadow': 0.5, 'position': (0, -70), 'scale': 0, 'text': ''}) self.inputnode = bs.newnode( 'timedisplay', attrs={'timemin': 0, 'showsubseconds': True} ) self.inputnode.connectattr('output', self.node, 'text') def start(self) -> None: """Start the timer.""" tval = int(bs.time() * 1000.0) assert isinstance(tval, int) self._starttime_ms = tval self.inputnode.time1 = self._starttime_ms bs.getactivity().globalsnode.connectattr( 'time', self.inputnode, 'time2' ) def has_started(self) -> bool: """Return whether this timer has started yet.""" return self._starttime_ms is not None def stop(self, endtime: int | float | None = None) -> None: """End the timer. If 'endtime' is not None, it is used when calculating the final display time; otherwise the current time is used. """ if endtime is None: endtime = bs.time() if self._starttime_ms is None: logging.warning( 'OnScreenTimer.stop() called without first calling start()' ) else: endtime_ms = int(endtime * 1000) self.inputnode.timemax = endtime_ms - self._starttime_ms def getstarttime(self) -> float: """Return the scene-time when start() was called. Time will be returned in seconds if timeformat is SECONDS or milliseconds if it is MILLISECONDS. """ val_ms: Any if self._starttime_ms is None: print('WARNING: getstarttime() called on un-started timer') val_ms = int(bs.time() * 1000.0) else: val_ms = self._starttime_ms assert isinstance(val_ms, int) return 0.001 * val_ms @property def starttime(self) -> float: """Shortcut for start time in seconds.""" return self.getstarttime() def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any: # if we're asked to die, just kill our node/timer if isinstance(msg, bs.DieMessage): if self.node: self.node.delete() class Player(bs.Player['Team']): """Our player type for this game.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.death_time: Optional[float] = None class Team(bs.Team[Player]): """Our team type for this game.""" # ba_meta export bascenev1.GameActivity class MGgame(bs.TeamGameActivity[Player, Team]): name = 'Memory Game' description = 'Memories tiles and survive till the end!' available_settings = [bs.BoolSetting( 'Epic Mode', default=False), bs.BoolSetting('Enable Bottom Credits', True)] scoreconfig = bs.ScoreConfig(label='Survived', scoretype=bs.ScoreType.MILLISECONDS, version='B') # Print messages when players die (since its meaningful in this game). announce_player_deaths = True # we're currently hard-coded for one map.. @classmethod def get_supported_maps(cls, sessiontype: Type[bs.Session]) -> List[str]: return ['Sky Tiles'] # We support teams, free-for-all, and co-op sessions. @classmethod def supports_session_type(cls, sessiontype: Type[bs.Session]) -> bool: return (issubclass(sessiontype, bs.DualTeamSession) or issubclass(sessiontype, bs.FreeForAllSession) or issubclass(sessiontype, babase.CoopSession)) def __init__(self, settings: dict): super().__init__(settings) self._epic_mode = settings.get('Epic Mode', False) self._last_player_death_time: Optional[float] = None self._timer: Optional[OnTimer] = None self.credit_text = bool(settings['Enable Bottom Credits']) # Some base class overrides: self.default_music = (bs.MusicType.EPIC if self._epic_mode else bs.MusicType.SURVIVAL) if self._epic_mode: self.slow_motion = True shared = SharedObjects.get() self._collide_with_player = bs.Material() self._collide_with_player.add_actions(actions=(('modify_part_collision', 'collide', True))) self.dont_collide = bs.Material() self.dont_collide.add_actions(actions=(('modify_part_collision', 'collide', False))) self._levelStage = 0 self.announcePlayerDeaths = True self._lastPlayerDeathTime = None self._spawnCenter = (-3.17358, 2.75764, -2.99124) self._mapFGPModel = bs.getmesh('buttonSquareOpaque') self._mapFGPDefaultTex = bs.gettexture('achievementOffYouGo') self._mapFGCurseTex = bs.gettexture('powerupCurse') self._mapFGHealthTex = bs.gettexture('powerupHealth') self._mapFGIceTex = bs.gettexture('powerupIceBombs') self._mapFGImpactTex = bs.gettexture('powerupImpactBombs') self._mapFGMinesTex = bs.gettexture('powerupLandMines') self._mapFGPunchTex = bs.gettexture('powerupPunch') self._mapFGShieldTex = bs.gettexture('powerupShield') self._mapFGStickyTex = bs.gettexture('powerupStickyBombs') self._mapFGSpaz = bs.gettexture('neoSpazIcon') self._mapFGZoe = bs.gettexture('zoeIcon') self._mapFGSnake = bs.gettexture('ninjaIcon') self._mapFGKronk = bs.gettexture('kronkIcon') self._mapFGMel = bs.gettexture('melIcon') self._mapFGJack = bs.gettexture('jackIcon') self._mapFGSanta = bs.gettexture('santaIcon') self._mapFGFrosty = bs.gettexture('frostyIcon') self._mapFGBones = bs.gettexture('bonesIcon') self._mapFGBernard = bs.gettexture('bearIcon') self._mapFGPascal = bs.gettexture('penguinIcon') self._mapFGAli = bs.gettexture('aliIcon') self._mapFGRobot = bs.gettexture('cyborgIcon') self._mapFGAgent = bs.gettexture('agentIcon') self._mapFGGrumbledorf = bs.gettexture('wizardIcon') self._mapFGPixel = bs.gettexture('pixieIcon') self._imageTextDefault = bs.gettexture('bg') self._circleTex = bs.gettexture('circleShadow') self._image = bs.newnode('image', attrs={'texture': self._imageTextDefault, 'position': (0, -100), 'scale': (100, 100), 'opacity': 0.0, 'attach': 'topCenter'}) self._textCounter = bs.newnode('text', attrs={'text': '10', 'position': (0, -100), 'scale': 2.3, 'shadow': 1.0, 'flatness': 1.0, 'opacity': 0.0, 'v_attach': 'top', 'h_attach': 'center', 'h_align': 'center', 'v_align': 'center'}) self._textLevel = bs.newnode('text', attrs={'text': 'Level ' + str(self._levelStage), 'position': (0, -28), 'scale': 1.3, 'shadow': 1.0, 'flatness': 1.0, 'color': (1.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'opacity': 0.0, 'v_attach': 'top', 'h_attach': 'center', 'h_align': 'center', 'v_align': 'center'}) self._imageCircle = bs.newnode('image', attrs={'texture': self._circleTex, 'position': (75, -75), 'scale': (20, 20), 'color': (0.2, 0.2, 0.2), 'opacity': 0.0, 'attach': 'topCenter'}) self._imageCircle2 = bs.newnode('image', attrs={'texture': self._circleTex, 'position': (75, -100), 'scale': (20, 20), 'color': (0.2, 0.2, 0.2), 'opacity': 0.0, 'attach': 'topCenter'}) self._imageCircle3 = bs.newnode('image', attrs={'texture': self._circleTex, 'position': (75, -125), 'scale': (20, 20), 'color': (0.2, 0.2, 0.2), 'opacity': 0.0, 'attach': 'topCenter'}) def on_transition_in(self) -> None: super().on_transition_in() self._bellLow = bs.getsound('bellLow') self._bellMed = bs.getsound('bellMed') self._bellHigh = bs.getsound('bellHigh') self._tickSound = bs.getsound('tick') self._tickFinal = bs.getsound('powerup01') self._scoreSound = bs.getsound('score') self._image.opacity = 1 self._textCounter.opacity = 1 self._textLevel.opacity = 1 self._imageCircle.opacity = 0.7 self._imageCircle2.opacity = 0.7 self._imageCircle3.opacity = 0.7 self._levelStage += 1 self._textLevel.text = 'Level ' + str(self._levelStage) self._image.texture = self._imageTextDefault if self._levelStage == 1: timeStart = 6 bs.timer(timeStart, self._randomPlatform) bs.timer(timeStart, self.startCounter) def on_begin(self) -> None: super().on_begin() self._timer = OnTimer() self._timer.start() self.coldel = True self.coldel2 = True self.coldel3 = True self.coldel4 = True self.coldel5 = True self.coldel6 = True self.coldel7 = True self.coldel8 = True self.coldel9 = True self.coldel10 = True self.coldel11 = True self.coldel12 = True self.coldel13 = True self.coldel14 = True self.coldel15 = True self.coldel16 = True if self.credit_text: t = bs.newnode('text', attrs={'text': "Made by īˆFreaku\nOriginally for 1.4: byANG3L", # Disable 'Enable Bottom Credits' when making playlist, No need to edit this lovely... 'scale': 0.7, 'position': (0, 0), 'shadow': 0.5, 'flatness': 1.2, 'color': (1, 1, 1), 'h_align': 'center', 'v_attach': 'bottom'}) self.spawnAllMap() self.flashHide() # Check for immediate end (if we've only got 1 player, etc). bs.timer(5, self._check_end_game) self._dingSound = bs.getsound('dingSmall') self._dingSoundHigh = bs.getsound('dingSmallHigh') def startCounter(self): self._textCounter.text = '10' def count9(): def count8(): def count7(): def count6(): def count5(): def count4(): def count3(): def count2(): def count1(): def countFinal(): self._textCounter.text = '' self._stop() self._textCounter.text = '1' bs.timer(1, countFinal) self._textCounter.text = '2' bs.timer(1, count1) self._textCounter.text = '3' bs.timer(1, count2) self._textCounter.text = '4' bs.timer(1, count3) self._textCounter.text = '5' bs.timer(1, count4) self._textCounter.text = '6' bs.timer(1, count5) self._textCounter.text = '7' bs.timer(1, count6) self._textCounter.text = '8' bs.timer(1, count7) self._textCounter.text = '9' bs.timer(1, count8) bs.timer(1, count9) def on_player_join(self, player: Player) -> None: # Don't allow joining after we start # (would enable leave/rejoin tomfoolery). if self.has_begun(): bs.broadcastmessage( babase.Lstr(resource='playerDelayedJoinText', subs=[('${PLAYER}', player.getname(full=True))]), color=(0, 1, 0), transient=True, clients=[player.sessionplayer.inputdevice.client_id]) # For score purposes, mark them as having died right as the # game started. assert self._timer is not None player.death_time = self._timer.getstarttime() return self.spawn_player(player) def on_player_leave(self, player: Player) -> None: # Augment default behavior. super().on_player_leave(player) # A departing player may trigger game-over. self._check_end_game() # overriding the default character spawning.. def spawn_player(self, player: Player) -> bs.Actor: spaz = self.spawn_player_spaz(player) pos = (self._spawnCenter[0] + random.uniform(-1.5, 2.5), self._spawnCenter[1], self._spawnCenter[2] + random.uniform(-2.5, 1.5)) spaz.connect_controls_to_player(enable_punch=False, enable_bomb=False, enable_pickup=False) spaz.handlemessage(bs.StandMessage(pos)) return spaz def _randomSelect(self): if self._levelStage == 1: self._textureSelected = random.choice([self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGStickyTex]) self._image.texture = self._textureSelected elif self._levelStage == 2: self._textureSelected = random.choice([self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGShieldTex]) self._image.texture = self._textureSelected elif self._levelStage in [3, 4, 5]: self._textureSelected = random.choice([self._mapFGStickyTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGImpactTex, self._mapFGMinesTex]) self._image.texture = self._textureSelected elif self._levelStage in [6, 7, 8, 9]: self._textureSelected = random.choice([self._mapFGCurseTex, self._mapFGHealthTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGImpactTex, self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGPunchTex, self._mapFGShieldTex]) self._image.texture = self._textureSelected elif self._levelStage >= 10: self._textureSelected = random.choice([self._mapFGSpaz, self._mapFGZoe, self._mapFGSnake, self._mapFGKronk, self._mapFGMel, self._mapFGJack, self._mapFGSanta, self._mapFGFrosty, self._mapFGBones, self._mapFGBernard, self._mapFGPascal, self._mapFGAli, self._mapFGRobot, self._mapFGAgent, self._mapFGGrumbledorf, self._mapFGPixel]) self._image.texture = self._textureSelected return self._textureSelected def _stop(self): self._textureSelected = self._randomSelect() def circle(): def circle2(): def circle3(): self._imageCircle3.color = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) self._imageCircle3.opacity = 1.0 bs.timer(0.2, self._doDelete) self._imageCircle2.color = (1.0, 1.0, 0.0) self._imageCircle2.opacity = 1.0 bs.timer(1, circle3) self._imageCircle.color = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) self._imageCircle.opacity = 1.0 bs.timer(1, circle2) bs.timer(1, circle) def _randomPlatform(self): if self._levelStage == 1: randomTexture = [self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGStickyTex, self._mapFGStickyTex, self._mapFGStickyTex, self._mapFGStickyTex, self._mapFGStickyTex, self._mapFGStickyTex, self._mapFGStickyTex, self._mapFGStickyTex] elif self._levelStage == 2: randomTexture = [self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGShieldTex, self._mapFGShieldTex, self._mapFGShieldTex, self._mapFGShieldTex, self._mapFGShieldTex, self._mapFGShieldTex, self._mapFGShieldTex, self._mapFGShieldTex] elif self._levelStage in [3, 4, 5]: randomTexture = [self._mapFGStickyTex, self._mapFGStickyTex, self._mapFGStickyTex, self._mapFGStickyTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGImpactTex, self._mapFGImpactTex, self._mapFGImpactTex, self._mapFGImpactTex, self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGMinesTex] elif self._levelStage in [6, 7, 8, 9]: randomTexture = [self._mapFGHealthTex, self._mapFGShieldTex, self._mapFGCurseTex, self._mapFGCurseTex, self._mapFGHealthTex, self._mapFGHealthTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGIceTex, self._mapFGImpactTex, self._mapFGImpactTex, self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGMinesTex, self._mapFGPunchTex, self._mapFGPunchTex, self._mapFGShieldTex, self._mapFGShieldTex] elif self._levelStage >= 10: randomTexture = [self._mapFGSpaz, self._mapFGZoe, self._mapFGSnake, self._mapFGKronk, self._mapFGMel, self._mapFGJack, self._mapFGSanta, self._mapFGFrosty, self._mapFGBones, self._mapFGBernard, self._mapFGPascal, self._mapFGAli, self._mapFGRobot, self._mapFGAgent, self._mapFGGrumbledorf, self._mapFGPixel] (self.mapFGPTex, self.mapFGP2Tex, self.mapFGP3Tex, self.mapFGP4Tex, self.mapFGP5Tex, self.mapFGP6Tex, self.mapFGP7Tex, self.mapFGP8Tex, self.mapFGP9Tex, self.mapFGP10Tex, self.mapFGP11Tex, self.mapFGP12Tex, self.mapFGP13Tex, self.mapFGP14Tex, self.mapFGP15Tex, self.mapFGP16Tex) = ( random.sample(randomTexture, 16)) self._mixPlatform() def _mixPlatform(self): bs.timer(1, self.flashShow) bs.timer(3, self.flashHide) bs.timer(4, self.flashShow) bs.timer(6, self.flashHide) bs.timer(7, self.flashShow) bs.timer(9, self.flashHide) bs.timer(13.2, self.flashShow) def flashHide(self): self.mapFGP.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP2.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP3.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP4.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP5.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP6.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP7.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP8.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP9.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP10.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP11.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP12.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP13.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP14.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP15.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex self.mapFGP16.color_texture = self._mapFGPDefaultTex def flashShow(self): self.mapFGP.color_texture = self.mapFGPTex self.mapFGP2.color_texture = self.mapFGP2Tex self.mapFGP3.color_texture = self.mapFGP3Tex self.mapFGP4.color_texture = self.mapFGP4Tex self.mapFGP5.color_texture = self.mapFGP5Tex self.mapFGP6.color_texture = self.mapFGP6Tex self.mapFGP7.color_texture = self.mapFGP7Tex self.mapFGP8.color_texture = self.mapFGP8Tex self.mapFGP9.color_texture = self.mapFGP9Tex self.mapFGP10.color_texture = self.mapFGP10Tex self.mapFGP11.color_texture = self.mapFGP11Tex self.mapFGP12.color_texture = self.mapFGP12Tex self.mapFGP13.color_texture = self.mapFGP13Tex self.mapFGP14.color_texture = self.mapFGP14Tex self.mapFGP15.color_texture = self.mapFGP15Tex self.mapFGP16.color_texture = self.mapFGP16Tex def _doDelete(self): if not self.mapFGPTex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP.delete() self.mapFGPcol.delete() self.coldel = True if not self.mapFGP2Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP2.delete() self.mapFGP2col.delete() self.coldel2 = True if not self.mapFGP3Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP3.delete() self.mapFGP3col.delete() self.coldel3 = True if not self.mapFGP4Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP4.delete() self.mapFGP4col.delete() self.coldel4 = True if not self.mapFGP5Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP5.delete() self.mapFGP5col.delete() self.coldel5 = True if not self.mapFGP6Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP6.delete() self.mapFGP6col.delete() self.coldel6 = True if not self.mapFGP7Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP7.delete() self.mapFGP7col.delete() self.coldel7 = True if not self.mapFGP8Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP8.delete() self.mapFGP8col.delete() self.coldel8 = True if not self.mapFGP9Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP9.delete() self.mapFGP9col.delete() self.coldel9 = True if not self.mapFGP10Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP10.delete() self.mapFGP10col.delete() self.coldel10 = True if not self.mapFGP11Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP11.delete() self.mapFGP11col.delete() self.coldel11 = True if not self.mapFGP12Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP12.delete() self.mapFGP12col.delete() self.coldel12 = True if not self.mapFGP13Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP13.delete() self.mapFGP13col.delete() self.coldel13 = True if not self.mapFGP14Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP14.delete() self.mapFGP14col.delete() self.coldel14 = True if not self.mapFGP15Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP15.delete() self.mapFGP15col.delete() self.coldel15 = True if not self.mapFGP16Tex == self._textureSelected: self.mapFGP16.delete() self.mapFGP16col.delete() self.coldel16 = True bs.timer(3.3, self._platformTexDefault) def spawnAllMap(self): """ # Here's how it works: # First, create prop with a gravity scale of 0 # Then use a in-game mesh which will suit it (For this one I didn't chose box, since it will look kinda weird) Right? # Instead I used a 2d mesh (which is nothing but a button in menu) # This prop SHOULD NOT collide with anything, since it has gravity_scale of 0 if it'll get weight it will fall down :(( # These are where we change those color-textures and is seen in-game # Now lets talk about the actual node on which we stand (sadly no-one realises it exists) # A moment of silence for this node... # Alright, so this is a region node (the one used in hockey/football for scoring) # Thanksfully these are just thicc boxes positioned on the map (so they are not moved neither they have gravity_scale) # So we create this region node and place it to the same position of our prop node # and give it collide_with_player and footing materials # Thats it, now you have your own floating platforms :D """ shared = SharedObjects.get() if self.coldel: self.mapFGP = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (4.5, 2, -9), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGPTex = None self.mapFGPcol = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (4.5, 2, -9), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel = False if self.coldel2: self.mapFGP2 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (4.5, 2, -6), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP2Tex = None self.mapFGP2col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (4.5, 2, -6), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel2 = False if self.coldel3: self.mapFGP3 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (4.5, 2, -3), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP3Tex = None self.mapFGP3col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (4.5, 2, -3), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel3 = False if self.coldel4: self.mapFGP4 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (4.5, 2, 0), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP4Tex = None self.mapFGP4col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (4.5, 2, 0), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel4 = False if self.coldel5: self.mapFGP5 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (1.5, 2, -9), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP5Tex = None self.mapFGP5col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (1.5, 2, -9), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel5 = False if self.coldel6: self.mapFGP6 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (1.5, 2, -6), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP6Tex = None self.mapFGP6col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (1.5, 2, -6), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel6 = False if self.coldel7: self.mapFGP7 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (1.5, 2, -3), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP7Tex = None self.mapFGP7col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (1.5, 2, -3), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel7 = False if self.coldel8: self.mapFGP8 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (1.5, 2, 0), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP8Tex = None self.mapFGP8col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (1.5, 2, 0), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel8 = False if self.coldel9: self.mapFGP9 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (-1.5, 2, -9), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP9Tex = None self.mapFGP9col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (-1.5, 2, -9), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel9 = False if self.coldel10: self.mapFGP10 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (-1.5, 2, -6), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP10Tex = None self.mapFGP10col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (-1.5, 2, -6), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel10 = False if self.coldel11: self.mapFGP11 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (-1.5, 2, -3), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP11Tex = None self.mapFGP11col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (-1.5, 2, -3), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel11 = False if self.coldel12: self.mapFGP12 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (-1.5, 2, 0), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP12Tex = None self.mapFGP12col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (-1.5, 2, 0), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel12 = False if self.coldel13: self.mapFGP13 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (-4.5, 2, -9), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP13Tex = None self.mapFGP13col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (-4.5, 2, -9), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel13 = False if self.coldel14: self.mapFGP14 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (-4.5, 2, -6), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP14Tex = None self.mapFGP14col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (-4.5, 2, -6), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel14 = False if self.coldel15: self.mapFGP15 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (-4.5, 2, -3), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP15Tex = None self.mapFGP15col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (-4.5, 2, -3), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel15 = False if self.coldel16: self.mapFGP16 = bs.newnode('prop', attrs={'body': 'puck', 'position': (-4.5, 2, 0), 'mesh': self._mapFGPModel, 'mesh_scale': 3.73, 'body_scale': 3.73, 'shadow_size': 0.5, 'gravity_scale': 0.0, 'color_texture': self._mapFGPDefaultTex, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflection_scale': [1.0], 'is_area_of_interest': True, 'materials': [self.dont_collide]}) self.mapFGP16Tex = None self.mapFGP16col = bs.newnode('region', attrs={'position': (-4.5, 2, 0), 'scale': ( 3.5, 0.1, 3.5), 'type': 'box', 'materials': (self._collide_with_player, shared.footing_material)}) self.coldel16 = False def _platformTexDefault(self): self._textureSelected = None self._imageCircle.color = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) self._imageCircle.opacity = 0.7 self._imageCircle2.color = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) self._imageCircle2.opacity = 0.7 self._imageCircle3.color = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) self._imageCircle3.opacity = 0.7 self._levelStage += 1 self._textLevel.text = 'Level ' + str(self._levelStage) self._image.texture = self._imageTextDefault if self._levelStage == 1: timeStart = 6 else: timeStart = 2 activity = bs.get_foreground_host_activity() for i in activity.players: try: except: pass bs.timer(timeStart, self._randomPlatform) bs.timer(timeStart, self.startCounter) self.spawnAllMap() self.flashHide() # Various high-level game events come through this method. def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(msg, bs.PlayerDiedMessage): # Augment standard behavior. super().handlemessage(msg) curtime = bs.time() # Record the player's moment of death. # assert isinstance(msg.spaz.player msg.getplayer(Player).death_time = curtime # In co-op mode, end the game the instant everyone dies # (more accurate looking). # In teams/ffa, allow a one-second fudge-factor so we can # get more draws if players die basically at the same time. if isinstance(self.session, bs.CoopSession): # Teams will still show up if we check now.. check in # the next cycle. babase.pushcall(self._check_end_game) # Also record this for a final setting of the clock. self._last_player_death_time = curtime else: bs.timer(1.0, self._check_end_game) else: # Default handler: return super().handlemessage(msg) return None def _check_end_game(self) -> None: living_team_count = 0 for team in self.teams: for player in team.players: if player.is_alive(): living_team_count += 1 break # In co-op, we go till everyone is dead.. otherwise we go # until one team remains. if isinstance(self.session, bs.CoopSession): if living_team_count <= 0: self.end_game() else: if living_team_count <= 1: self.end_game() def end_game(self) -> None: cur_time = bs.time() assert self._timer is not None start_time = self._timer.getstarttime() # Mark death-time as now for any still-living players # and award players points for how long they lasted. # (these per-player scores are only meaningful in team-games) for team in self.teams: for player in team.players: survived = False # Throw an extra fudge factor in so teams that # didn't die come out ahead of teams that did. if player.death_time is None: survived = True player.death_time = cur_time + 1 # Award a per-player score depending on how many seconds # they lasted (per-player scores only affect teams mode; # everywhere else just looks at the per-team score). score = int(player.death_time - self._timer.getstarttime()) if survived: score += 50 # A bit extra for survivors. self.stats.player_scored(player, score, screenmessage=False) # Stop updating our time text, and set the final time to match # exactly when our last guy died. self._timer.stop(endtime=self._last_player_death_time) # Ok now calc game results: set a score for each team and then tell # the game to end. results = bs.GameResults() # Remember that 'free-for-all' mode is simply a special form # of 'teams' mode where each player gets their own team, so we can # just always deal in teams and have all cases covered. for team in self.teams: # Set the team score to the max time survived by any player on # that team. longest_life = 0.0 for player in team.players: assert player.death_time is not None longest_life = max(longest_life, player.death_time - start_time) # Submit the score value in milliseconds. results.set_team_score(team, int(1000.0 * longest_life)) self.end(results=results) class MGdefs(): points = {} boxes = {} boxes['area_of_interest_bounds'] = ( 0.3544110667, 4.493562578, -2.518391331) + (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + (16.64754831, 8.06138989, 18.5029888) boxes['map_bounds'] = (0.2608783669, 4.899663734, -3.543675157) + \ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + (29.23565494, 14.19991443, 29.92689344) class MGmap(bs.Map): defs = MGdefs() name = 'Sky Tiles' @classmethod def get_play_types(cls) -> List[str]: """Return valid play types for this map.""" return [] @classmethod def get_preview_texture_name(cls) -> str: return 'achievementOffYouGo' @classmethod def on_preload(cls) -> Any: data: Dict[str, Any] = { 'bgtex': bs.gettexture('menuBG'), 'bgmesh': bs.getmesh('thePadBG') } return data def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() shared = SharedObjects.get() self.node = bs.newnode( 'terrain', attrs={ 'mesh': self.preloaddata['bgmesh'], 'lighting': False, 'background': True, 'color_texture': self.preloaddata['bgtex'] }) gnode = bs.getactivity().globalsnode gnode.tint = (1.3, 1.2, 1.0) gnode.ambient_color = (1.3, 1.2, 1.0) gnode.vignette_outer = (0.57, 0.57, 0.57) gnode.vignette_inner = (0.9, 0.9, 0.9) gnode.vr_camera_offset = (0, -0.8, -1.1) gnode.vr_near_clip = 0.5 bs._map.register_map(MGmap) # ba_meta export plugin class byFreaku(babase.Plugin): def __init__(self): ## Campaign support ## name='Memory Game', displayname='${GAME}', gametype=MGgame, settings={}, preview_texture_name='achievementOffYouGo'))